Разработан метод интерпретируемого глубокого обучения для мониторинга биоразнообразия, представленная система AudioProtoPNet пре…

Разработан метод интерпретируемого глубокого обучения для мониторинга биоразнообразия, представленная система AudioProtoPNet предназначена для анализа звуковых данных в экологических исследованиях.

Global Biodiversity Decline and Practical Solutions
Practical Solution: Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM)

Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) is a cost-effective method for collecting bird data without disturbing habitats, crucial for combating biodiversity decline.
Value of Deep Learning Technology

Deep learning technology offers promising solutions for automating bird species identification from audio recordings, providing practical and efficient monitoring solutions.
Interpretable Deep Learning for Biodiversity Monitoring: AudioProtoPNet

AudioProtoPNet is an interpretable model for bioacoustic bird classification, addressing the limitations of black-box approaches.
Key Contributions

Developed a prototype learning model for bioacoustic bird classification.
Evaluated the model on eight different datasets of bird sound recordings, demonstrating its efficacy and interpretability.
Comparison with state-of-the-art black-box deep learning models shows similar performance, highlighting the applicability of interpretable models in bioacoustic monitoring.

Practical Application

AudioProtoPNet utilizes a ConvNeXt backbone for feature extraction, learning prototypical patterns for each bird species from spectrograms of training data, providing easily understandable explanations for the model’s decisions, making it a practical solution for biodiversity monitoring efforts.
AI Solutions for Business Evolution
Identify Automation Opportunities

Locate key customer interaction points that can benefit from AI to redefine your way of work.
Define KPIs

Ensure your AI endeavors have measurable impacts on business outcomes to stay competitive.
Select an AI Solution

Choose tools that align with your needs and provide customization to redefine your sales processes and customer engagement.
Implement Gradually

Start with a pilot, gather data, and expand AI usage judiciously to evolve your company with AI.
Practical AI Solution: AI Sales Bot

The AI Sales Bot is designed to automate customer engagement 24/7 and manage interactions across all customer journey stages, providing practical solutions for sales processes and customer engagement.

List of Useful Links:

AI Lab in Telegram https://t.me/aiscrumbot – free consultation
Twitter – https://twitter.com/itinaicom


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