Google AI предлагает MathWriting: преобразование распознавания рукописных математических выражений с использованием обширных инт…

Google AI предлагает MathWriting: преобразование распознавания рукописных математических выражений с использованием обширных интеграции наборов данных, написанных человеком и синтетических, и улучшение обучения модели.

Google AI Proposes MathWriting: Transforming Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
Practical Solutions and Value

Online text recognition models have advanced significantly, but recognizing mathematical expressions (ME) remains a challenge. Handwritten MEs pose even greater challenges due to ambiguity and specialized hardware requirements.
Practical Solutions:

Google Research introduced MathWriting, a dataset for online handwritten mathematical expressions. It includes 230k human-written and 400k synthetic samples, facilitating online and offline ME recognition. The dataset is shared in InkML format and expands offline HME datasets by effectively rasterizing inks.

MathWriting offers a new benchmark for ME recognition, featuring normalized ground truth expressions for simplified training and robust evaluation alongside code examples on GitHub for seamless usage.

When compared to other datasets, MathWriting stands out with nearly 3.9 times more samples and 4.5 times more distinct labels after normalization. It covers a broader array of tokens, enabling representation of diverse scientific fields like quantum mechanics and linear algebra.

The MathWriting dataset offers valuable insights into handwritten mathematical expressions, emphasizing the significance of synthetic data in enhancing model diversity and highlighting challenges such as device variations and noise sources like stray strokes and incorrect ground truth.

MathWriting empowers recognition research, offering extensive data and avenues for advancement across scientific domains. Integration with datasets like CROHME23 promises enhanced model performance and diversity.
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